common room for rent

340 Orchard Road Singapore 238863Orchard, Central Singapore
1400 SGDper month

lucky plaza common room for rent

  • 8 Person sharing 2 Toilets. No Landlord.
  • Rent is inclusive of electricity,water and broadband.

Immediate Contact : 94507545.


Additional Information about common room :

A common room is a type of shared lounge, most often found in halls of residence or dormitories, at (for example) universities, colleges, military bases, hospitals, rest homes, hostels, and even minimum-security prisons. They are generally connected to several private rooms, [common room for rent] Singapore and may incorporate a bathroom. They may also be found in secondary schools and sixth form colleges. Source :


Looking Others about :

Room details

  • Published on 28.02.2024
  • Single room
  • Condo
  • Long term stay
  • Any gender
  • Advertised by owner/tenant
  • Furnished
  • Internet access
  • Air conditioning
  • Cooking allowed


Property is located at 340 Orchard Road Singapore 238863 in Central Singapore

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